2008 United States of America: The MAGLEV 2008 Conference

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The 20th International Conference on Magnetically Levitated Systems and Linear Drives took place in San Diego, from 15-18 December 2008.

The 20th International Conference on Magnetically Levitated Systems and Linear Drives took place at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, California, USA, from 15-18 December 2008.



Conference Topics

1. MAGLEV Development, Projects and Operational Results of High Speed (Urban) Applications Worldwide
- Scientific, Technical and Industrialization Status
- Test facilities
- First operational experiences
- Marketing, Commercial and Financial aspects
- High Speed and Urban Transportation Systems

2. MAGLEV - New Ideas
- New Technological System Proposals and Ideas
- Additional Magnetic Applications
- Scientific, Technical and Industrialization Status

3. Vehicles and Levitation/Guidance
- Electromagnetic Levitation and Guidance
- Electrodynamic Levitation and Guidance
- Super Conducting Levitation
- Vehicle Design
- Aerodynamic Behaviour and Aerodynamic Impacts
- Dynamic Mechanical Resonance and Vibrations

4. Safety and Operational Control
- Operation and Maintenance
- Safety and Design
- Safety and Exploitation
- Safety and Innovations
- Reliability and Maintainability
- Communication Systems

5. Propulsion, Linear Motors and Energy Supply
- On-Board Energy Supply
- Energy Transfer
- Energy Storage
- Power Supply for Propulsion
- Propulsion and Linear Motos
- Scientific and Technical Development
- Transport System and Industrial Application

6. Guideway and Infrastructure
- Guideway structures (Research, Developments)
- Guideway monitoring
- Maintenance
- Interaction Vehicle/Guideway (Aerodynamic, Resonance, Vibration)
- Application lines
- Infrastructure
- Tunnels
- Stations
- Facilities

7. Economic and Planning/Feasability Studies
- Environmental Aspects
- Economic Evaluations


